Shipping Policy
Shipping for orders within the USA is a flat rate fee of $5. For international shipping , please email us before placing an order. Also, for international orders, please note, if package is held in custom for any reason, we will not provide a refund or send another order. Please ensure that packages from the United States are allowed in your region.
All orders will be shipped via USPS First Class Mail. Buyer will be provided a tracking number once the items have shipped. Processing time is 3 to 7 business days. International orders can take up to 10 days or more to receive after the order has shipped. We are not responsible for stolen and/or damaged products after it has been delivered. NOTE: If tracked packages shows lost en route and never delivered, we will replace it (only within the USA).
Return & Exchange Policy
Non- customized items are accepted for exchange of size and color; however, product must be in original packaging and sellable condition. Buyers are responsible for return shipping fees. All sales are final, if return item is accepted store credit will be issued to costumer.
Terms Of Use:
You may not resell or falsely claim items sold in our store. For commercial purposes, please email us info@shesmixed.com.