"I always felt “other” growing up as a mixed kid, and noticed certain people treated me differently based on their perception of my ethnicity. I let what people saw me as affect how I saw myself, and everyone always saw me as something different. This made me struggle with my identity for a long time. I felt like I wasn't "enough" of any ethnicity and that I didn't fit in any one community.
Now I am in a place where I worry less about people's approval or perception of me, for me to just be myself and embrace who I am.
I am proud to be mixed and feel so lucky to have grown up with all these different cultures because they made me who I am today. I can't "just pick one" because to deny any of my cultures would be to deny a part of myself".

"Growing up in Montana in a predominantly white area then moving to a smaller town in Colorado as a Blaxican, was not easy to say the least. Speaking Spanglish in a white world while looking Black af felt comical then, but now, beautiful. I remember being taunted for my big lips and frizzy hair..being called a nig9er, spic, mutt and black bit*h over the years. (just to name a few). Let's be honest, nothing has REALLY changed. Sometimes I still hear those things. I was taught to hate myself from the people I had the "pleasure" of growing up around. I was taught to hate who I am, the way I looked, my culture, race, and ethnicity. All of it. Now that I'm grown up I wish I could talk to my younger self and hear the voices of the ones who loved me louder. I would tell myself, honey you are beautiful, and your biggest flex is the words and the works of your ancestors. Be proud. I still have that same dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had almost 58 years ago...and here we are still fighting for ununity. I will use my voice and fight for justice and equality like the Brown Berets and the Black Panthers did. I love who I am and proudly represent for the Afro-Latinx community as an African American with Mexican roots. I know how it feels to feel to be the outcast, racially profiled, ridiculed,, and hated for something I cannot control and was born into. I speak for the little boys and girls that don't see representation and even the adults who are still struggling to love themselves. I am mixed and there's beauty, strength, and power in diversity".

"I think culture is a beautiful thing and being mixed means that I get to experience two cultures simultaneously. I am proud to be both Dominican and Guyanese, representing two beautiful cultures"!

"I’m the first Gen kid of English parents. My mom's side is from Antigua and she’s of an Afro-Caribbean (her mom) and Euro-Caribbean (her dad) (mulatto) mix. My dad’s side is from Jamaica, and he’s of an Afro-Taino (his dad) and Afro/Arab and Scottish (his mom) mix. My culture to me means strength and history! I’m connected to so many types of people".